In your private life, in your business life, in your business -


do you show the others who you are and what you are capable of?


PernsotConsulting consults and coaches you within the areas of self marketing and organization.

In your private life:


Your personality counts - but can everybody recognize how awesome you are?

Together we take care that your appearance matches with your personality. 


In your business life:


You know what you want to achieve professionally and what you are capable of - but do the others know, too?

Together we take care of your professional appearance.

Examples for self marketing & organization coaching/consulting in your business life:

  • time management training: keeping track of your tasks, holding datelines, reducing stress
  • job interview training: never again miss a good opportunity


In your business:


You are excellent in your business - but do your clients experience you as a professional and convenient entrepreneur?


Examples for self marketing & organization coaching/consulting in your business:

  • keeping deadlines - hence clients
  • tying customers - and seeing them more than once
  • billing directly and keeping track of receivables - and never having liquidity problems because of bills receivable again
  • attracting clients with a personal appearance matching with your charming company policy



For your job entry


Coaching and consulting for students, alumni and young professionals:


  • Are you currently looking for your first job and have no idea how to proceed?
  • Are you writing your thesis and don't know how do organize yourself?
  • Or do you have other questions how to market and organize yourself in an optimal way?

Interested? Please contact me for further information, via phone, e-mail or text message.